For restaurants and other retailers in the hospitality world, the benefits of point of sale systems are clear -- smoother, more efficient operations that are more profitable and scalable. As a POS reseller, it’s up to you to communicate those benefits if you want to get customers on board. But sometimes brochures, case studies, and landing pages don’t tell the whole story.
While RPOWER has a reputation for being one of the fastest and most reliable restaurant point of sale systems around, there’s another aspect that is often even more appealing to customers: integrations. RPOWER POS has over 100 third-party software integrations that make it even more powerful. Here’s how to leverage these integrations to win more sales.
Get Your Foot in the Door
The first step toward making a sale is building a connection with your customer. POS resellers that can offer a variety of POS integrations automatically have a bigger foot in the door with their customers, no matter where they are in the buying cycle. For customers who don’t have a point of sale system, you can sell them all of the benefits that POS systems offer and show them how it integrates with applications they might already use.
For customers who already have a point of sale system and are experiencing issues with one of the functions of their restaurant, you can offer an integration that meets their needs. If they end up buying that integration, you will be positioned to sell deeper into that account further down the road.
Meet Top Line Growth Goals
In order to win more sales, you will have to understand what goals your clients are hoping to achieve. Some customers are looking for top line growth – how they can increase sales, expand their operation, or add a revenue stream. As a reseller, you’re uniquely positioned to help them reach their goals. You can leverage integrations such as gift cards, loyalty programs, or online ordering platforms to give them the tools they need to grow their top line.
Whichever integration suits their needs, it’s important for POS resellers to demonstrate the ROI it can provide in order to win more sales. If you can help your customers understand what they could make in additional revenue each month, you’ll have a better chance of winning them over.
Grow Their Bottom Line
While some customers are more concerned with top line growth, others are looking to grow their bottom line, which usually means finding ways to cut costs. Fortunately, integrations can help. From inventory management to employee scheduling, payroll, and beyond, RPOWER integrates with a long list of third party applications that can help customers grow their bottom line. Provide details on how each integration can help cut costs, and use anecdotes or examples to help your customer understand how to best apply the solution to their own goals.
Pitch Your Services
Sometimes, customers are just comfortable with the status quo. What this usually means is that they are afraid of the additional technical responsibility that comes with the purchase of POS integrations. This can give POS resellers an opportunity to upsell, however, by offering management services.
If your customer is intimidated by the thought of maintaining and managing their solutions, let them know that you can manage the technology for them, and charge for the service. Once you’ve demonstrated your expertise and helped them improve their operations, you’ll be well-positioned to sell them other integrations or even a point of sale solution to tie all of their applications together.
When you focus all of your efforts on selling one type of solution with limited POS integrations, you run the risk of pigeonholing yourself. POS resellers need to offer a point of sale solution with a wide variety of integrations so they can easily meet their customers’ varying needs. Depending how you use them, integrations can give you a foot in the door to future business and help you win more sales.